Szegedi Vízmű Zrt.
Vízmű Zrt.
Központi telefonszám
+36 62 55 88 55
Központi e-mail
6720 Szeged,
Tisza Lajos krt. 88.


Szegedi Vízmű Zrt. is ready to take part in the local public life, and is involved greatly in sponsorship activities, as a company with long-term and responsible thinking must not only serve its clients but also take part in the environmental responsibilities of the society. This is especially true for Szegedi Vízmű Zrt., which provides water, the greatest treasure of our lives.

The most efficient tool to share this concept of ours with a wider public, is via supporting organisations, establishments or associations that are closely related to the environmental policy of Szegedi Vízmű Zrt. This is why we contacted the Szeged Zoo and became involved in the sports life of Szeged.

Similarly to previous years, environment protection, sports and keeping contact with future consumers all form part of our social role-taking, which is a key focus in the life of our Company.